Wednesday 11 January 2012

Final Compilation

I chose to make a collage of images that represent the Nuclear Family. This image includes The father, son, wofe and daughter.

I have used an image of the US's flag and an image of a nucleus to bring the image together on top of the family. The flag and nucleus to try and show "American Nuclear Family". I changed from my initial idea to use an image of a family, and then do something with that to instead use individual members of the family to allow myself more options when researching what people were like during the 1950's.

Nuclear Family Mother

This is my representation of the Nuclear Family Mother. I have shows what the housewife's life involved, cooking and cleaning by using a stereotypical image of a woman holding a serving tray and wearing an apron. I have also shown, what women could achieve during the 50's with an image of Marilyn Monroe wjo achieved large media fame at the time.

Nuclear Family Daughter

This is the image i chose to use to represent the daughter of the Nuclear family, I also chose to use an image of a child in infancy, to give the images of the children an age gap, rather than doing two teenagers. I have also chosen to use some colour in this image to show that this persons life was mostly after of the 50's when new technologies were allowing more freedom with images and television.

Nuclear Family Son

The teenage boy in the nuclear family of the 50's USA. I tried to show what teenage boys of the time would be interested in and talk about so i chose music and pin up girls. Using the same techniques as with the father i have used iconic images of the 50's and blended them with the picture of the boy having lunch.

My first completed image The Nuclear Family Father

I chose this image because in my opinion it is a perfect example of the 1950's man, wearing a suit to work and  being the proud bread winner for the family.

In this image i decided to look at what was popular and defined men during the 1950's, this is why i have chosen a picture of a man in a suit. I have also incorporated images of a war plane above him showing that the cold war was on men's minds during the 50's. I have also put in a picture of a detective, detective stories were popular in the media during the 1950's and I have also tried to make it look as if the image is of a man standing behind him watching what he was doing making sure he was not an informant for U.S enemies of the time "Commies"

Sunday 8 January 2012

Visual Research

Using Search engines I found articles that contained images of the "typical" 1950's family.
I used these results to conduct visual research. The first image is what the media at the time perceived as the All American Family, through to what Is clear as the "typical" family.